Enigma Boysluv - Yaoi Proof: Dragon Ball Z/GT (Goku x Vegeta)

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Dragon Ball Z

Majin Bejiita Saga

The whole fight between Majin Bejiita and Gokuu was odd. Gokuu only had one day on earth but thrests of Buu being revived upset things. So Bejiita let himself be charmed by Babedi and killed a great many people so Gokuu would have to fight him, and essentially spend the entire day with him. Does Bejiita truly want to kill Gokuu as much as he says? later in the battle we see that fighting was not the only thing on his mind.

For a short time, they actually stop in the middle of the fight and talk. Shockingly Bejiita bares his soul to Gokuu. It's amazing how often he does this. Bejiita tells him how much he has affected him and changed him. How he is truly in awe of his strength.
"I may have trained harder but you are a better fighting genius than I am...It's all because of you and your influence that I became peaceful."
Oddly enough Bejiita praises Gokuu. He even cries in front of him at least twice, and has probably shared more about himself and his feeling to Gokuu than his own wife Buruma. Why is that?

Aside from the talking, during the fight there were far too many pauses in the action. A third of the time was spent with them standing or flying just inches from each other and staring. At one point Bejiita had the upper hand. He had pinned Gokuu to a wall with some ki rings around his arms, legs and neck. Again more pauses. Bejiita has the perfect opportunity to finish him off but he settles for just slapping him and kneeing him in the crotch. Hn, why there? (This actually pissed Gokuu of quite a bit. I don't think he's into bondage)

In episodes 4 or 5 of the Majin Bejiita saga, Bejiita and Gokuu start a strange head butting contest when they can't use their arms. Again some slightly unnecessary contact. It was VERY odd. After a point they stopped ramming their heads together and just stood there with their faces pressed together. Can this even be considered fighting anymore?

At the end of the fight, Bejiita knocks Gokuu unconscious and goes to fight Buu alone. Before his fight with Buu beings, Bejiita starts to hallucinate that Gokuu is in front of him instead of Buu. Why?

Just before Bejiita self destructs in an attempt to kill Buu, he asks Pikkoro if he'll be able to see Gokuu in the afterlife. When Pikkoro said Bejiita won't see him, he twitched and even looked a bit sad. But when he mentioned he would lose his body and soul, and couldn't see his family either, he didn't even flinch. That didn't seem to bother him at all but not seeing Gokuu did. Again, why?

Later, when Gokuu learned Bejiita sacrificed himself to kill Buu, he seemed quite upset. For someone who smiles when getting beaten to death, that seemed rather out of charcater for him. I've never seen him look so sad about ANYTHING, not even when his own children died.

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