Enigma Boysluv - Yaoi Proof: Dragon Ball Z/GT (Goku x Vegeta)

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Dragon Ball Z

Various Sagas

During the Furiiza Saga, Furiiza had dealt Bejiita the final blow. After the prince dies he comes back as a ghost to give Gokuu that "last bit of coaching." "You are the only one who can defeat him! you have the power!" Bejiita was completely naked this entire time. (He's a ghost what does he need w/ clothes!) Even though what Bejiita had to say was rather important, it didn't look like Gokuu was really listening. He just seemed extremely shocked. I wonder why.

It's also interesting how often they always watch each other's backs. In Bejiita's case, it's odd for him to save Gokuu from the brink of death time and time again, when supposedly he wants Gokuu dead.

  • He saves him during the metal Kuuraa fight when he had the upper hand
  • He saves Kakarotto in movie 12 when he was badly beaten and Janemba was about to cut him in half.
  • During the Android Saga he saves Gokuu yet again from android 19 when his heart condition made him too weak to fight back. He's a bit rough about it (i.e. kicking him out of the way) but he does save him.

    POINT 3
    During the tournament saga, Bejiita was furious whenever Gokuu paid a bit of attention to anyone but him or their fight. He was even angrier when Gokuu left to go help Kai oo shin.
    Bejiita: Look at Kakarotto sizing up his enemy....it's ME he should be worried about!
    Bejiita: I only joined this stupid competition to so I could fight you!! If you're gonna leave make sure you COME BACK!!

    I guess Gokuu does have this nasty habit of disappearing off the face of the earth. But what Gokuu said next was even worse:
    Gokuu: OK! OK! Take it easy Bejiita! I have to go with Supreme kai. But I promise I'll put you at the top of my 'things to do list' when I get back. Just try and relax will ya!?

    POINT 4
    Bejiita just wouldn't let Gokuu out of his sight for a minute. He had no interest in Kai oo shin's problems and only went to keep his eye on Gokuu. He followed him everywhere that day.

    POINT 5
    During the tournament saga Goten had just lost to Trunks. Gokuu starts to sulk about it and surprisingly Bejiita comes over to cheering him up.Don't worry Kakarotto your son always has next year. Then he puts his hand on his shoulder. Gokuu looked surprised and kind of uncomfortable, but really happy at the same time. I'm not sure what Bejiita really said since Cartoon Network has a habit of changing dubious lines. Now, Gokuu usually seems pretty comfortable with himself, his body and being touched and all. He has been seen strutting around naked a number of times in the show. But it's just odd that he would react that way to just being touched on the shoulder. Maybe it's because Bejiita's doing the touching. Just maybe...

    POINT 6
    As we know, Gokuu and Bejiita fight each other more than anything. Goten made an interesting observation about fighting one day. "I guess sometimes fighting and that kissy kissy stuff DO mix huh?"

    POINT 7
    The english version of DBZ actually adds more yaoi to the show that it tries to cut out. It's just more subtle. The episode when Bejiita gets brought back from the dead to help defeat Buu. What's you're take on this line?
    Bejiita: Back to earth then. So be it. Kakarotto. Pitty you won't be there to greet me.
    Now Gokuu and Bejiita are suppose to be rivals. The english version exaggerates this idea quite a bit, yet they add that line making it seem as if Bejiita is actually saddened by not being able to see Gokuu. Odd.

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