Dragon Ball Z

GOKUU . Light hearted and carefree savior of the world. Has a lust for life, food, and fighting. One of the last of the saiyajins, a violent warrior race.
PIKKORO . Taciturn and gruff Namekian who for a long while was Gokuu's archrival turned ally and friend.
I notice definate chemistry between Gokuu and "the namek" from early on in the series.
Much like Gokuu and Bejiita, Gokuu and Pikkror were fierce enemies. Always at each others throats in their rivalry. Mainly on Pikkoro's part. But after many battles against each other, and some where they worked together, they bonded. Over time they became quite fond of each other. Too fond perhaps.
During movie 4, the namek gone bad named Slug, they had grown even closer. Towards the end of the fight, Gokuu was down and out. Pikkoro was also badly beaten, but struggled to get over to his fallen comrad. Then they hold hands for a while until Gokuu comes to. Pikkoro knows Gokuu is always the only one who can truely defeat their foes. So he transfers his power to Gokuu and gives him a few encouraging words. They comtinue holding hands until Gokuu goes off to fight again. There is a cmera close up of them holding hands. Why? What is Akria trying to tell us?
Continuing on the trend or point 2, even though Pikkoro was not actually in the fight in the flesh, he was there in spirit. As Gokuu delivers the finishing blow to Lord Slug, there was a shot of aura flowing from Gokuu. One was a projection of Gokuu, the other was Pikkoro. Hnn.
During the second Cell and Pikkoro fight, Pikkoro wasn't fairing very well. In fact eveyone though Cell had killed him. Other than those on the battle field, the one's who realized that something was wrong was wrong first were Gokuu and Gohan. Of course Gohan flips out. But Gokuu is a lot less apparent in his anguish. Only Popo seemed to notice. Gohan rushes off to help Pikkoro when Gokuu stops him, knowing he can't win*
Gohan:SO! it's (dying) better than just sitting here! Pikkoro would never turn his back on you like THIS dad!!
Popo: Your dad's hurting too son. This made be hard for you to understand, but he may be hurting more than you or I.
Gohan: Wow...really?
I noticed how quick Pikkoro is to run over and help Gokuu in any way he can. Now there's nothing all that questionable about wanting to help a friend. But it always involves unecessary touching, or his hands tend to linger too long in one place. Also Gokuu is one of the only people that have ever gotten a smile out of Pikkoro. :D
Gokuu had been dead for seven long years. But for the tournament he was allowed to come back for 24 hours. Of course everyone was happy to see him. But for some reason, Bejiita seemed downright pissed. Pikkoro on the other hand couldn't stop smiling; which is not like him at all. Not a normal, or warm smile, it seemed kind of coy if you ask me.
During the first fight with Daaburaa, Pikkoro and Kuririn were turned to stone. Now Gokuu reacted very badly to the loss of his friends, which is not surprising. However, even though Kuririn is his best friend, the fact that he was turned to stone didn't seem to bother Gokuu so much. But he went nuts when Pikkoro shared Kuririn's fate. He was far angrier than Gohan. I was surprised by that.