Enigma Boysluv - Yaoi Proof: Dragon Ball Z/GT (Gohan x PIccolo)

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Dragon Ball Z

GOHAN . Studious, well mannered and calm, until of course you piss him off. A sweetie otherwise.

PIKKORO . Taciturn and gruff Namekian who for a long while was Gokuu's archrival turned ally and friend.

Evidence of this couple is there but it is much more subtle than Gokuu and Bejiita. Despite the differences in age and species, I noticed that there was something 'more' between these two from early on.

Their relationship starts out like many others. In his youth, Gohan had a kind of hero worship for the cold, and often unemotional Pikkoro. Gohan can see the good and kindness in him that no one else can, even Pikkoro himself.

Pikkoro on the other hand, saw Gohan as a weakling. But over time he warms up to him. He develops feelings for Gohan that he didn't know existed.
Pikkoro: That boy...I've never had feelings for anything in my life...I don't like it!

Pikkoro ALWAYS saves Gohan. This is a point I'm surte you've all noticed yourselves already.

  • EX 1: In the first fight with Bejiita and Nappa, Pikkoro sacrifices himself for Gohan's sake by standing in front of Nappa's blast.
  • EX 2: In movie 4 Lord Slug, he rushes to protect Gohan after Slug's men roughed him up. Pikkoro has also been badly beaten and could do little to help him. But he tries anyway and shields him with his body, ready to take anything Slug's goons may dish out.
  • EX 3: Pikkoro saves him again in movie 7 during the androids 13, 14, and 15 fight. I noticed he always comes in the nick of time to help. As is he has been watching and waiting for the perfect moment to enter the fight. I've seen Bejiita do this many times as well.

    POINT 4
    Just as Pikkoro is always ready to lay down his life for Gohan, Gohan would do the same for him. Gohan worries about Pikkoro all the time. During the Cell and 17 fight, Gohan though that Pikkoro was killed. Gohan wasn't even on the scene, but he was the very first to know something was horrible wrong. He decides to completely abandon their well thought out plans for stopping Cell and rushes off to help him. That is before Gokuu stops him.
    Gohan: LET GO!! Pikkoro needs me!! LET GO!
    Gokuu: You would have been killed son.
    Gohan: SO! Isn't it better than just sitting here and doing nothing!
    Gokuu: I know how deeply you care about Pikkoro, but we have to stick to the plan.
    Gohan: *crying* But it hurts dad...

    POINT 5
    In DBGT, Pikkoro does die, and he can never come back. But this time, it's by his own doing Out of all of the Z fighters, Gohan was the most devastated. In fact he was hysterical as he was powerless to stop it all from happening. *sniffle*

    POINT 6
    In the DBZ Anniversary Special, Pikkoro enters the story and does what he always does best: Save Gohan. Of course he comes in the nick of time bringing moral support and senzu beans for all. But he makes sure to hand feed Gohan his first, smile and say his name softly with his last bit of strength. He does this time and again. In fact, Gohan is one of two people who have ever gotten Pikkoro to smile with such tenderness.

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